Ask the Pastor

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Have you ever had a question about God, church, or faith pop into your head…but you didn’t have anyone to ask at the moment…and once you were around someone you could ask, you forgot…or it seemed like a silly question or just not so important anymore…or maybe the person you asked didn’t know the answer?   Every Christian who ever lived has experienced the exact same thing! 

Here’s the truth: your questions are important to God.  He wants to know you and be known by you!  He longs to be closer to you than anyone else in the world!  When we bring our questions to God, we bring ourselves to him.  We make ourselves vulnerable and open to the one who loves us most. You can ask questions of God by praying.  That’s a great thing.  But God put specific people in our lives to be His mouthpiece (at times, His actual voice) . 

God’s plan for communicating himself to us begins by giving us a family.  Your family is a wonderful, loving and safe place to ask questions and get honest, loving answers.  Your church is another place God planned to be a good place for you to ask questions.  It can be a little more intimidating to ask questions at church than at home.  Sometimes, it can feel like we are not a good Christian if we ask too many questions.  But many Christians will agree, asking questions is a more certain sign of authentic faith than believing you already have (or should have) all the answers. 

Once a month, young people (and a few old ones) from our church gather to ask Wayne questions about the Christian faith.  We eat pizza, play some ping pong, and then sit around, eat dessert, and chat about whatever we are wondering about.  It’s not always easy to come up with a question right in the middle of a bite of Rice Krispie Treat…so we need YOUR help.  Please write down one to three questions for Pastor Wayne on this paper that have to do with the Christian faith.  They could be anything from “How did you get this job” to “How do you know this stuff is true?”

Here are a few of the questions that have been submitted and discussed in the past.  No question is too big or too small!

Why doesn’t God come to us and fix all our problems?
Why did God like the smell of Noah’s sacrifice of animals. That seems weird.
How do we still believe in Christ even though it’s been so long and God hasn’t returned.
How do dinosaurs overlap with Bible times or do they not?

Click below to submit your question online!

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